Applied Research and Teaching for Sustainable Development in Africa

The ART4Dev Project
The project "Applied Research and Teaching for Sustainable Development" (ART4Dev) seeks to support the partner institutions University of Cape Coast Ghana (UCC), Mount Kenya University (MKU) and MOI University Kenya, and the Institute of Finance Management, Tanzania (IFM) in their efforts to contribute to sustainable economic development and establish structures that enhance educational quality. An interdisciplinary team will improve the qualification of students and personnel by integrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in teaching and research.

What we do
ART4Dev Project consists of 3 pillars
Building Expertise in Sustainable
A working group at each partner university in Africa. The working group will serve as a resource in building expertise in Sustainable Economy, and integrating sustainable development in curricula. The working group will create content for the Sustainable Economy module. The module will focus on areas such as Environment and Climate, Social Protection, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Micro-finance.
Stregthening Applied Research in
Sustainable Development
A research team at each partner university in Africa. The research team will build a research agenda and co-supervise student thesis on topics related to sustainable development with the intention of developing publishable papers. The research group will engage key stakeholders through regular policy/community engagement workshops and an international conference that will bring academia and industry together to discuss SDG related issues.
Innovation and Extra-curricullar
The working group will organize regular extra-curricullar programs and an annual innovation challenge that encourages students to find solutions to issues within their communities. The Challenge aims to build social competencies and the required skills that enable employability. The innovation challenge will incubate new ideas and solutions to the many challenges in Africa.